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Fletcher-Watson, S. et al. (2018). Making the future together: Shaping autism research through meaningful participation. Autism: International Journal of Research and Practice [Online] Online. Available at:

Wood, R. and Milton, D. (2018) Reflections on the value of autistic participation in a tri‐national teacher‐training project through discourses of acceptance, othering and power. British Journal of Special Education [Online]. Available at:

Woods, R. et al. (2018). Redefining Critical Autism Studies: a more inclusive interpretation. Disability & Society [Online]33:974-979. Available at:

Milton, D., Heasman, B. and Sheppard, E. (2018). Double Empathy. in: Volkmar, F. ed. Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Springer. Available at:

Arnold L., Milton D., Beardon L., and Chown N. (2018) England and Autism. In: Volkmar F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders. New York: Springer.

Milton, D. (2017) A Mismatch of Salience: Explorations of the Nature of Autism from Theory to Practice. Hove, UK: Pavilion Press. Available at:


Milton, D. (2017) Autistic Development, Trauma and Personhood: Beyond the Frame of the Neoliberal Individual. in: Runswick-Cole, K., Curran, T. and Liddiard, K. eds. The Palgrave Handbook of Disabled Children's Childhood Studies. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Milton, D. and Martin, N. eds. (2017) Autism and Intellectual Disability in Adults, Vol. 2. Hove, UK: Pavilion Press.


Milton, D. (2017) Challenging the ideology of idealised normalcy. in: Milton, D. and Martin, N. eds. Autism and Intellectual Disabilities in Adults, Vol. 2. Hove, UK: Pavilion Press.


Milton, D. (2017) Employment : a reflective review. in: Milton, D. and Martin, N. eds. Autism and Intellectual Disabilities in Adults, Vol. 2. Hove, UK: Pavilion.


Milton, D. (2017). Zen and the art of aut-ethnography: a tribute to Robert M. Pirsig. Disability and Society [Online] 32:1671-1676.


Martin, N., Milton, D., Dawkins, G., Sims, T., Baron-Cohen,S. and Mills, R. (2017) Does 'mentoring' offer effective support to autistic adults?: a mixed methods pilot study. Advances in Autism [Online]. Available at:


Milton, D. (2017) "Imagining Otherwise": Challenging Dominant Views Regarding Autism and How to Help Autistic People. Careknowledge [Online]:1-10.

Milton, D. (2017) An Autistic Critical Reflection on the Dual Action Process Model of Intensive Interaction, Intensive Interaction Newsletter, Issue 60.

Milton, D. (2017) So who exactly are those at risk? PARC [online], Accessed from:

Milton, D. (2017) The future I’d like to see. National Autism Project [online], Accessed from:

Martin, N. and Milton, D. (2017) Supporting the inclusion of autistic children. In G. Knowles (Ed), Supporting Inclusive Practice and Ensuring Opportunity is Equal For All. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 111-124.

Hansen, L., Keay-Bright, W. and Milton, D. (2017) Conceptualising Kinaesthesia – Making Movement Palpable, Design for Next 12th EAD conference. Rome: Sapienza University.

Milton, D., Sims, T., Dawkins, G., Martin, N. and Mills, R. (2017) The development and evaluation of a mentor training programme for those working with autistic adults, Good Autism Practice, Vol. 18(1): 25-33.

Milton, D. (2016) Disposable dispositions: reflections upon the work of Iris Marion Young in relation to the social oppression of autistic people. Disability and Society, Vol. 31(10): 1403-1407.

Milton, D., Martin, M. and Melham, P. (2016) Beyond reasonable adjustment: autistic-friendly spaces and Universal Design. In D. Milton and N. Martin (Ed's), Autism and Intellectual Disabilities in Adults, Vol. 1. Hove: Pavilion, pp. 81-86.

Milton, D. and Martin, N. (2016) Autism and Intellectual Disability in Adults, Vol. 1 (Ed's). Hove: Pavilion Press.

Milton, D. and Timimi, S. (2016) Does autism have an essential nature [online], Accessed from:

Milton, D. and Sims, T. (2016) How is a sense of well-being and belonging constructed in the accounts of autistic adults. Disability and Society, Vol. 31(4): 520-534.

Milton, D. (2016) 7 concepts of sociological interest [online], Accessed from:


Milton, D., Mills, R. and Jones, S. (2016) Ten rules for ensuring people with learning disabilities and those on the autism spectrum develop 'challenging behaviour'...and maybe what to do about it.  Hove: Pavilion Press.


Milton, D. (2016) Tracing the influence of Fernand Deligny on autism studies.  Disability and Society, Onlinefirst:


Milton, D. (2016) Educational discourse and the autistic student: a study using Q-sort methodology [doctoral thesis].  Birmingham: University of Birmingham.


Sims, T., Milton, D., Martin, N. and Dawkins, G. (2016) Developing a user-informed training package for a mentoring programme for people on the autism spectrum.  The Journal of Inclusive Practice in Further and Higher Education, Vol. 6: 49-52.


Milton, D. (2015) Impaired compared to what? Embodiment and diversity. Mad studies and neurodiversity symposium archive. Accessed from:


Mills, R. and Milton, D. (2015) If it's good enough for Cherie Blair...The Cygnet life-coaching and mentoring programme for adults with autism.  Share Blog, Winter 2015, Accessed from:


McWade, B., Milton, D. and Beresford, P. (2015) Mad Studies and Neurodiversity: a dialogue.  Disability and Society, vol. 30(2): 305-309.


Milton, D. (2015) Aut-ethnography: working from the inside out.  The Autism Anthropologist:


McDonnell, A. and Milton, D. (2014) Going with the flow: reconsidering ‘repetitive behaviour’ through the concept of ‘flow states’.  In G. Jones and E. Hurley (Eds): Good Autism Practice: Autism, Happiness and Wellbeing, pp. 38-47.


Milton, D. (2014) Fragments: putting the self back into the picture.  In G. Jones and E. Hurley (Eds): Good Autism Practice: Autism, Happiness and Wellbeing, pp. 58-63.


Milton, D. (2014) So what exactly are autism interventions intervening with?  Good Autism Practice, Vol. 15(2): 6-14.


Milton, D. (2014) Becoming autistic: an aut-ethnography.  Cutting Edge Psychiatry in Practice.  Issue 4: Autism Spectrum Disorder: 185-192.


Milton, D. (2014) Discourse and disposition: exploring the concepts of autism and neurodiversity.  The New Idealist – The Autism Issue.  Issue 6.  Accessed from:


Milton, D. (2014) Embodied sociality and the conditioned relativism of dispositional diversity.  Autonomy: the Journal of Critical Interdisciplinary Autism Studies.  Vol. 1(3). Accessed from:


Milton, D. (2014) ‘Educational ideology and the autistic student: findings from a pilot study involving Q-sort methodology’, Papers from the Education Doctoral Research Conference, Saturday 16 November 2013.  University of Birmingham, 84-90.


Milton, D. (2014) The nuances of empathy.  Asperger United.  Vol. 79: 12-13.


Milton, D. (2014) Moments in time. Accessed from:


Milton, D. (2014) Autistic expertise: a critical reflection on the production of knowledge in autism studies. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice (special edition ‘Autism and Society’), Onlinefirst, 17/03/14.


Milton, D. (2013) The nuances of empathy.  Talk about Autism.  Accessed from:


Milton, D. (2013) ”Filling in the gaps”, a micro-sociological analysis of autism.  Autonomy: the Journal of Critical Interdisciplinary Autism Studies.  Vol. 1(2). Accessed from:


Milton, D. (2013) An exploration into ‘autspace’.  Talk about Autism.  Accessed from:


Milton, D. (2013) Why psychiatrists do and do not define ‘me’: the dropping of Asperger syndrome from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).  Talk about Autism.  Accessed from:


Milton, D. and Bracher, M. (2013) Autistics speak but are they heard?  Medical Sociology Online.  Vol. 7(2): 61-69.


Milton, D. (2013) ‘Reversing the vicious circle of psycho-emotional disablism in the education of autistic people’, Championing research, educating professionals: how compatible are elitism, inclusion and social justice?  University of Birmingham, 127-134.


Milton, D. (2013) Natures answer to over-conformity: a deconstruction of pathological demand avoidance.  Autism Experts.  Accessed from:


Milton, D., Mills, R. and Pellicano, L. (2012) Ethics and Autism: Where is the Autistic Voice?  Commentary on Post et al.  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities.  Published online 11/12/12.


Milton, D. and Moon, L. (2012) “And that Damian is what I call life changing”: findings from an action research project involving autistic adults in an online sociology study group.  Good Autism Practice.  Vol. 13(2): 32-39.


Milton, D. and Lyte (2012) The normalisation agenda and the psycho-emotional disablement of autistic people, Autonomy: the Journal of Critical Interdisciplinary Autism Studies.  Vol. 1(1).  Accessed from:


Guldberg, K., Bradley, R., Cooper, R., Jones, G., Mackness, J., Makriyannis, E., Milton, D., Waltz, M, and Wittemeyer, K. (2012) The Autism Education Trust Training Hubs Materials.  Autism Education Trust.


Wittemeyer, K., English, A., Jones, G., Lyn-Cook, L., and Milton, D. (2012) The Autism Education Trust Professional Competency Framework.  Autism Education Trust.


Milton, D. (2012) So what exactly is autism? [resource linked to competency framework].  Autism Education Trust.


Milton, D. (2012) On the Ontological Status of Autism: the ‘Double Empathy Problem’. Disability and Society.  Vol. 27(6): 883-887.


Milton, D. (2012) ‘‘Problems in living’ and the mental well-being of autistic people [part two]’, Asperger United. Vol. 72: 12-13.


Milton, D. (2012) ‘‘Problems in living’ and the mental well-being of autistic people [part one]’, Asperger United. Vol. 71: 12-13.


Milton, D. (2012) ‘Parenting, discipline, and educational preferences for children on the autism spectrum – a survey of parental attitudes’, Curiosity-driven or improving policy and practice.  What’s the point of university research in an age of austerity, University of Birmingham, 83-96.


Milton, D. (2011) ‘Educational research and the autistic student: an ‘inside-out’ approach’, Education researchers: research for change? University of Birmingham, 109-116.

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